Since that discovery spring rolls have been served up every few weeks at our house. The first time I made them I found a fairly traditional recipe for the mix, but now I just make up a mix of whatever I like.
I fry up whatever minced meat I desire (pork, chicken, beef) and slice or grate up finely whatever vegetable I want and add seasonings and stock to taste. This is very vague but I do just make it up as I go. Allow the mix to cool and drain any excess fluid before placing on the pastry to roll up.I just place a little oil on the edge of the pastry to seal it. No need to brush the rest of the rolls, just pop them in a moderate oven until crispy.
These photos aren't very good, but it was my record of making them at the time.
I have been enjoying building my boards in Pinterest with those things that interest me and my favourite find for the week would be this crotched bag.
Remember if you would like an invite from Pinterest to start creating your virtual pinup boards, just ask and I'll send you one. It's much quicker than just requesting one from the Pinterest site where you will have to wait up to a week to get started.
Dearest Annette,
Wow, for the end of the day, your light pink font is very hard to read...
Ha, I learn something new here as well as I too thought they were always fried!
Thanks for sharing that.
Love to you,
PS You should read my post about the double word verification that is new from Blogger.
I bake my spring rolls in the oven as well, I don't even bother cooking the meat (I use pork mince), just mix it up with cabbage and flavourings and then roll it up in the pastry, they take about 20 minutes to cook, yum
Hi Annette
Are you familiar with Lucy's Attic24 blog - it's just beautiful. I have been following for about 3 years. I call it my 'rainbow on a cloudy day' blog - she is just a colour magician and so clever with a crochet hook or knitting needles. Enjoy.
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