Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Dad :(

My blogging has taken a back seat of late, as my Dad got diagnosed a few weeks back with a brain tumor, along with a kidney and lung tumors. Dad is 87 and has had a very healthy, fulfilling life, with lots of friends and family that love him dearly.

The tumor is a primary one and very aggressive and not treatable, so we probably only have a very limited time left with him. He, however is in very good spirits and unbelievably isn't in any pain as yet. He is still quite alert, but is starting to get very confused with things and his memory isn't good. He has been told to expect the right side of his body to become quite weak.

Up until his diagnosis, Mum and Dad were independently living in a Retirement Village with Dad being Mum's carer as Mum has mild Alzheimers, but our family is now caring for them and going through the process of getting them into assisted care etc. His drivers licence has also been taken from him now after 70 odd years of incident free driving!

 The above photo was taken at my party back in early July. It is Mum and Dad with some of their family.

It has been an emotionally sad time, but we have all spent quite a lot of time with them lately, taking them to visit some of their family and friends etc and just being there for them.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A new blogger and bits and pieces!

Some of you may be familiar with Jo from Vintage Lane Stitches, who is one of my best friends and a creative person. One of her daughters Hannah has joined her on the blog and is posting some of the items she is making. Hannah is a very talented and creative person too, who loves stitching and sewing. Please go and visit their blog and welcome Hannah into blogland.

Above: These are the backpacks Jo and Hannah from
Vintage Lane Stitches made for the Sydney Quilt  and Craft Fair

I wasn't sure what to blog about, so looked on my camera to see what I had taken over the past couple of weeks. Below is our 2 beautiful 'grand dogs' who belong to our sons. 'Cooper' is the chocolate brown one and 'Marshall' is the black one. They come visiting and stay over quite often. They are beautiful dogs and in the picture they are sitting waiting for a special treat. The white board in the background is their shelter with their bed in it where they sleep if they stay over.

We have had a new coffee shop open within one of our beautiful homewares shop 'LaVilla' in Loxton. I had a coffee there with a friend last Saturday morning and it was lovely. Lots of yummy sweet treats to go with coffee as well as light lunches are available.

Have you ever cooked beetroot? I have always bought the tinned variety and had it cold with salad, but I decided to give cooking them a go. I just peeled and roasted them. You are meant to wear gloves when peeling so your fingers don't go red. I didn't and my fingers did go red but they washed off easily enough. They tasted just like warm beetroot...surprise, surprise!!  Not sure if I liked it enough to do it regularly but at least I've tried it.

One of our sons Daniel and his partner are in the process of building. Here is a shot taken a few weeks back. It has been rendered since then and it is now at lockup stage, but I haven't got photos of that yet. As he is a qualified cabinetmaker he is doing all the cabinetry himself.
It's amazing now a days with technology how fast things can develop online. You will recall the epic arrival of London's Mayor Boris Johnson via a zip wire to an olympic event. People have been creative with the photo of him dangling...take a look at the website dedicated to it   Quite amusing!

That's about all from me, hope you enjoy your weekend.


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